We provide the
information that counts.
Our rapid, on-farm diagnostics provide livestock producers with information they need to make informed management and treatment decisions. Through accurate, onsite disease prediction and detection, producers can provide more precise animal care and meet the growing global demand for quality protein.
News that counts.
Treat The Cow, Not The Herd: This Agtech Startup Wants To Prevent Overuse Of Antibiotics
Recent Forbes article highlights AAD's technology to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use
“We can not only save their lives, we can enhance productivity, and we can ensure the usefulness of precious antibiotics by targeting them just to the animals who need them,” said AAD President and CEO, Joy Parr Drach.
Together, we can make
a difference.
Our team is passionate about providing livestock producers with actionable information that makes them more profitable while minimizing antibiotic use. Simply put, we’re committed to your future – and the future of agriculture.

Increase production and quality.
Make better animal health decisions.
Ensure more precise use of antibiotics.

QScout® BLD helps beef producers decide when to use antibiotics, preventing losses and maximizing profits.

Early detection pays.
With powerful diagnostic technology, we can detect diseases earlier so producers can take action earlier – and prevent losses. In the dairy industry, our QScout® MLD test detects subclinical mastitis infections before losses occur..